A Sample Ceremony by Neale Donald Walsh



Minister: (____________________) and (__________________) have not come here today to make a solemn promise or

to exchange a sacred vow.

(____________________) and (__________________) have come here to make public their love for each other; to give

notice to their truth; to declare their choice to live and partner and grow together

– out loud and in Your presence, out of their desire that we will all come to feel a

very real and intimate part of their decision, and thus make it even more



They’ve also come here today in the further hope that their ritual of bonding

will help bring us all closer together. If you are here today with a spouse or partner,

let this ceremony be a reminder – a re-dedication of your own loving bond.

We’ll begin by asking the question: Why get married? (____________________) and (__________________) have

answered this question for themselves, and they’ve told me their answer. Now I

want to ask them one more time, so they can be sure of their answer, certain of

their understanding, and firm in their commitment to the truth they share.



[Minister holds two red roses.]

This is the Ceremony of Roses, in which (____________________) and (__________________) share them

understandings, and commemorate that sharing.

(____________________) and (____________________), you have told me it is your firm understanding that you are not

entering this marriage for reasons of security – that the only real security is

not owning or possessing, nor in being owned or possessed – not with demands

or expectations – not even hoping – that what you think you need in life will be

supplied by the other, but rather, in knowing that that everything you need in life –

all the love, all the wisdom, all the insight, all the power, all the knowledge, all the

understanding, all the nurturing, all the compassion and all the truth resides

within you. …that you are not marrying each other in the hope of getting these

things, but in hopes of giving these gifts, that your partner might have them in

greater abundance.

Is that your firm understanding today?

[They respond, “It is.”]

Minister: (____________________) and (____________________), you have told me it is your firm understanding you are

not entering this marriage as a means of in any way limiting, controlling,

hindering or restricting each other from any true expression and honest

celebration of that which is the highest and best within you – including your love

of God, your love of life, your love of people, your love of creativity, your love of

work or any aspect of Your being which genuinely represents you and brings you

joy. Is that still your resolute understanding today?

[They say: “It is.”]

Finally, (____________________) and (____________________), you have said to me that you do not see marriage as

producing obligations, but rather as providing opportunities – opportunities for

growth, for full Self-expression, for lifting your lives to their highest potential, for

healing every false thought or small ideas you ever had about yourself, and for

ultimate reunion with God through the communion of your two souls – that this is

truly a Holy Communion – a journey through life with one you love as an equal

partner, sharing equally both the authority and the responsibilities inherent in any

partnership, bearing equally what burdens there may be, basking equally in the


Is that the vision you wish to enter now?

I now give you these red roses, symbolizing your individual understanding of the

matters we have just spoken of; that you both know and agree how life will be

within the structure of marriage as you intend it. Give these roses now to each

other as a symbol of your sharing these agreements and understandings, with

love and tenderness.

Now, please take a white rose. [Minister gives each a rose.] It is a symbol of your

larger understandings, of your spiritual nature and your spiritual truth. They

represent the purity of your Real and Highest Self, and of the purity of God’s

Love, which shines upon you now, and always.




What symbols do you bring as a reminder of the promises given and received?


[Minister holds rings in her hand]

A circle is a symbol of the Sun, and the Earth, and the Universe. It is a symbol of

holiness, and of perfection and peace. It is also the symbol of the eternality of

spiritual truth, love and life – that which has no beginning and no end. And in this

moment, (____________________) and (__________________) choose for it to also be a symbol of unity, but not of

possession; of joining, but not of restricting; of encirclement, but not of

entrapment. For love cannot be possessed, nor can it be restricted. For your

souls are eternally free.

Now (____________________) and (____________________), please take these rings you wish to give, one to the other.

[Couple takes each other’s rings.]

(____________________), please repeat after me.

I, (____________________), ask You, (____________________),

to be my partner, my lover, my friend, and my wife.

I announce and declare my intentions

to give you my deepest friendship and love,

Not only when you are feeling great,

But when you are down

Not only when you remember Who You Really Are,

But when you forget

Not only when you are acting with love

But when you are not.

I further announce,

Before God and those here present,

That I will seek always

To see the Light of Divinity within you

And seek always to share the Light of Divinity within me,

Even, and especially,

In whatever moments of darkness may come.


It is my intention to be with you forever,

In a Holy Partnership of the Soul,

That we may do together God’s work

Sharing all that is good within us

With all those whose lives we touch.

[Minister turns to (____________________)]

(____________________), do you choose to grant (____________________) ’s request that you be his wife?

(____________________) – “I do.”

Now, (____________________), please repeat after me:

I, (____________________), ask you, (____________________),

to be my partner, my lover, my friend, and my husband.

I announce and declare my intentions

to give you my deepest friendship and love,

Not only when you are feeling great,

But when you are down

Not only when you remember Who You Really Are,

But when you forget

Not only when you are acting with love

But when you are not.

I further announce,

Before God and those here present,

That I will seek always

To see the Light of Divinity within you

And seek always to share the Light of Divinity within me,

Even, and especially,

In whatever moments of darkness may come.

It is my intention to be with you forever,

In a Holy Partnership of the Soul,

That we may do together God’s work

Sharing all that is good within us

With all those whose lives we touch.

[Minister turns to (____________________)]

(____________________), do You choose to grant (____________________) ’s request that you be her husband?

(____________________) – “I do.”

Please, now take hold of the rings you would give each other, and repeat after


With this ring, I thee wed…I take now the ring you give to me [couple exchanges

rings] and place it upon my hand… [they place the rings on their hands] that all

may see and know… of my love for you.




We recognize with full awareness that only a couple can administer the

sacrament of marriage to each other, and only a couple can sanctify it. Neither

my church, nor any power vested in me by the State, can grant me the authority

to declare what only two hearts can declare, and what only two souls can make


And so now, since you, (____________________) and You, (____________________), have announce the truths

that are already written in your hearts, and have witnessed the same in the

presence of these, your friends, and the One Living Spirit – we observe joyfully

that you have declared yourselves to be …husband and wife.

Let us now join in prayer.

Spirit of Love and Life: out of this whole world, these two souls have found each

other. Their destinies shall now be woven into one design, and their challenges

and their joys shall be known together.

(____________________) and (____________________), may your home be a place of happiness for all who enter it; a

place where the old and the young are renewed in each other’s company, a place

for growing and a place for sharing, a place for music and a place for laughter, a

place for prayer and a place for love.

May those who are nearest to you be constantly enriched by the beauty and the

bounty of your love for one another, may your works be the joys of your life that

serve the world, and may your days be good and long upon the Earth.

Amen, and amen.